Example- DC Analysis of a Bipolar Junction Transistor Circuit

Bipolar Junction Transistor Circuit Example

What is shown above is an example of a bipolar junction transistor circuit, which we will do DC analysis on. We will show you in this article how to do DC analysis of this transistor circuit so that you can solve for the crucial unknown DC values of it.

When doing DC analysis, all AC voltage sources are taken out of the circuit because they're AC sources. DC analysis is concerned only with DC sources. We also take out all capacitors because in DC, capacitors function as open circuits. For this reason, everything before and after capacitors are removed, which in this circuit includes resistor, Rs.

Below is the schematic of the circuit above with respective to DC analysis:

DC Analysis of a Transistor

Now let's do the calculations to find the Vbb, Rb, Ieq, and Vceq. From this then, we can find the quiescient or just simply Q-point of this transistor circuit.

Vbb of a Transistor

Rb of a Transistor

Ieq of a Transistor

Vceq of a Transistor

Q point of a Transistor

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