How to Create and Work with Functions with Arguments in Python


In this article, we show how to create and work with functions with arguments in Python.

So, a function that accepts arguments is ones that must be provided with values when the function is called.

Usually, the function uses these arguments and processes them to give some type of output based on the input arguments.

In this example, we're just going to simply build a function that takes in 3 numbers and adds them together to give us the sum.

So, the code for this function is shown below.

So, above, we created a function that has 3 arguments specified in its definition.

What this means is when we call the function, we specify 3 values as the arguments of the function. If we fail to provide 3 values when calling the function, Python will output an error.

So, the following code below is appropriate for the function and doesn't cause any errors.

So, the above code returns 16 as the output.

Everything has worked according to plan.

So, look at the code when we specify anything other than 3 arguments.

So, you see how we define a function that accepts 3 arguments, 3 arguments must be supplied when invoking the function, or an error will be thrown.

So, this was just a quick tutorial on creating and working with functions that accept arguments in Python.

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