How to Create a New Directory Using Java
In this article, we show how to create a new directory with Java.
With Java, we can create a new directory in any directory on a computer.
In Java, a new directory is created with the mkdir() function.
The code to create a new directory in Java is shown below.
So in the file above we create a class called CreateDirectory.
We then put in our main() method.
In the main method, we create a file object, f, and pass the parameter named "NewDirectory" into the this File object.
So at this point in the code, the File object f has the value of NewDirectory.
We then call the mkdir() function through the if statement.
The function is f.mkdir(). This creates a new directory called NewDirectory.
Since we didn't specify the path in the parameter we passed into File object when we created it, the Java program looks in the current directory, the one storing this Java file, to create the new directory.
If you want to specify a directory other than the current directory, then you will have to specify the complete path.
Since this differs according to what operating system you are using, this is the only part of Java that becomes platform dependent.
In a Windows computer, you normally specify the drive you are using with a letter such as the C drive and then specify the path from there to the directory that you want create the new directory.
So if you have a directory you want to create that is in the C:\Users\ directory, then you would write this into the string as "C:\\Users\\"
This is because "\" is an escape character; it's used for escaping strings.
To show "\" in a string, you would
have to put double forward slashes "\\".
And this is all that is required to create a new directory in a certain
directory in Java.
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