How to Create a Multiline String in Python

In this article, we show how to create a multiline string in Python.
So a multiline string is a string that spans multiple lines.
Normally when you're using a function such as the print() function, you pass into it a one-line string, such as, print('hello world'). However, this doesn't have to be the case. You may want to pass in a string that spans multiple lines (a multiline string).
In order to create a multiline string in Python, we use triple quotes (''') to enclose the string. So we use a triple quote (''') as the opening string and a triple quote (''') as the closing string.
In the following code below, we show an example of a multiline string
in Python.
So we've created a print function that has a multiline string in it. We create it by enclosing the string in triple quotation marks.
With a multiline string passed into the print() function, each line prints on its own line.
We then show this again but now we create a multiline string and pass it into the variable, string1.
We then pass this variable, string1, into the print() function.
And this is how to create a multiline string in Python.
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