How to Extract Only Uppercase Characters from a String in Python Using Regular Expressions


In this article, we show how to extract only uppercase characters from a string in Python using regular expressions.

So, say, we have the string, "YES! it worked"

And we just want to extract the uppercase characters. We can do this in Python with a basic regular expression.

We simply write a regular expression that only allows uppercase alphabetical characters to be returned. Any other characters will not be returned.

The regular expression statement that only returns uppercase characters is shown below.

This regular expression above will only have uppercase characters returned. It will not return lowercase characters.

To get the full picture, let's look at a complete example.

This is shown in the code below.

So the first thing is that in order to use regular expressions in Python, you have to import the re module. So this is the first thing we do in our code above.

Next, we have the phrase that we extract from, "YES! it worked"

Our goal is to write a regular expression that gets the uppercase alphabetical characters from this string.

The expression to do so is, patterns= ['[A-Z]+']

Next, when you're using a regular expression to match a pattern in a string, you must use a for loop for the pattern that you create.

The reason for this is that patterns checks multiple instances of the string. Therefore, it is not just checking the entire string, "YES! it worked" just all as a whole. It is checking every instance of the string to see if there are multiple areas in the string that matches this pattern.

We then create a variable called match and set it equal to, re.findall(p, phrase)

With this line, we are looking to see if any of the phrase has uppercase characters.

If so, Python returns it as a list.

We then print out the result.

The result we get is shown below.

We can also create the code with a function, so that we can just call the function and return the results.

This is shown below.

The code above returns the same output as the previous code.

So this is simple code of how to extract uppercase characters from a string in Python using regular expressions.

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