How to Get the Current Page URL of a Web Page Using PHP


In this tutorial, we show how to get the current page URL of a web page using PHP.

Full URL of Current Page

To get the full URL of the current page, which takes the form, you can use the following code below.

The $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] gets the name of the website in use. For this web page you are current on, this would return

The $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] returns the directory pathway and file name of the page you are on.

Actual PHP Output of this Page

Directory Pathway and File name

To return just the directory pathway and the file name of the web page, you can use the following code below.

This is the part after

So this code above returns the part after the type of domain name the web page is.

Actual PHP Output of this Page


Just the Directory Pathway

To return just the directory pathway of the current web page URL, you can use the following code below.

This code above returns just the directory pathway to the current page URL.

Actual PHP of this Page


Just the File Name

To just return the file name of the current page, you can use the following code below.

This code above returns only the file name of the current page URL.

Actual PHP Output of this Page


Just the File Name Without the File Extension

Sometimes you may just want to return the file name without the file extension.

To do this, you can use the following code below.

The code above returns just the file name without the file extension included.

Actual PHP Output of this Page


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