How to Read Data from a Specific Memory Address in x86 Assembly Language

x86 Assembly programming language

In this article, we show how to read data from a specific memory address in x86 assembly language.

So the 8086 is a 16-bit processor.

It has up to 64KB of addressable memory from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF.

We can read data from any of these memory locations by loading the address within brackets into the ax register.

When brackets appear around a register or a number in x86, this refers to the data within that register or address.

So, for example, if we want to read the data from the memory address, 0x0000, we use the line, mov ax, [0x0000]

[0x000] refers to the data within the memory address 0x0000

So we move this data into the ax register.

So whatever data was in that memory address now is in the ax register.

So below we have code that reads the data from the memory address, 0xFFFF

So this is very basic code.

All we must do is put the memory address we want to read within brackets ([ ]) and move using the mov operation into the ax register.

Once we run the code, we can now see the value within the ax register. This is the data that is in the memory address that was specified.

So this is the way that we can read the data from any memmory address in x86 assembly language.

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