How to Retrieve All Objects of a Database Table in Django


In this article, we show how to retrieve all objects of a database table in Django.

So, if we have a table that has 3 rows of data, we show in this article how to obtain all 3 rows of data. We show how to retrieve all rows of database table in Django.

So let's that we have a database table, Car. This database table was created by the following code, shown below.

So we create a database table called Car.

How do we retrieve all objects from the database table within the file, so that we can render it within a template file?

So let's now go to the file and see how this can be done. File

The following code retrieves all objects from the Car database table and stores it in the all_objects variable.

So we have to first import render, so that we can render the template, home.html, in the Blog directory.

Then you have to import the database table you are working with from the file. Since our database table name is Car, we have the line, from .models import Car

Then we have the view-based function that is called showthis.

The line, first_car_object= Car.objects.first() gets the first object from the Car database.

So, if we have 3 cars in our database, Car 1, Car 2, and Car 3, all these will be stored in the all_objects variable.

We then pass this variable into the context dictionary so that it can then be rendered out in the home.html template page.

And this is all that is required to retrieve all objects (or rows of data) from a database table in Django and render out the result, if needed.

We won't go into the home.html template page, because more than likely you already know how to render out a variable from the file into the template file. If you don't, all you have to do is put the variable name in between double curly braces ( {{ variable_name }}). In this case, the statement would be, {{ all_objects }} to render out all cars from the Car database.

And this is all that is needed to retrieve all objects (rows of data) of a database table in Django.

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