Latitude and Longitude Finder

world map

This page was enabled to find the latitude and longitude values for any address entered in for free by the google API, but this is now a paid-for service.

This pages utilized the google maps api to find latitude and longitude points.

The address entered in could be any level of specificity. For example, you enter in just a continent. You can enter in a country. You can enter in a city of a country. Or you can enter in a full street address.

Google maps is well-equipped to work with all of this data, regardless of how specific you are.

In the address bar, you can simply enter in the address.

The calculator showed the latitude and longitude points below.

To find out how to build a longitude and latitude locator, see How to Access the Google Maps API in JSON Format Using PHP or How to Access the Google Maps API in XML Format Using PHP. Both of these do the same thing. The difference is that the former is the API written in JSON format (Javascript Object Notation) and the latter is the API written in XML (Extensible Markup Language). Dealing with google's API is not at all difficult. However, I do believe now they require you to be a paid user.