Milliseconds Converter/Calculator

0 milliseconds

Examples of Values to Enter:

100 nanoseconds
20 microseconds
5 seconds
2 minutes
3 days
1 week

This milliseconds calculator/converter converts the unit of time entered in such as seconds, minutes, hours, etc. into their equivalent milliseconds value.

To use this calculator, a user enters the numerical value and the unit of the time s/he wants to convert to milliseconds. This can be in nanoseconds, microseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. The user then presses the 'Calculate' button, and the resultant value in unit milliseconds is automatically computed and displayed.

Milliseconds is a very important unit of time measurement, because it is often used when programming microcontrollers. When programming most microcontrollers including an Arduino and a Parallax Basic Stamp microcontroller, when specifying a time measurement, such as how long to keep an LED on or how long to keep it off, the time must be specified in unit milliseconds. The famous delay() statement must be specified in unit milliseconds. For example, if you want the LED to stay on for 5 seconds and then shut off for 2 seconds, you must use 2 delay statements, one for when the LED is turned on and the other for when it is off. For the time it is on (5 seconds), the equivalent time in milliseconds is 5000. So the statement will be delay(5000); For the time it is off (2 seconds), the equivalent time in milliseconds is 2000. So the statement will be delay(2000);

This converter can help solve all calculations for converting from another unit of time to milliseconds.


Convert 2 seconds into milliseconds.

2 seconds= 2000 milliseconds

Convert 3 hours into milliseconds. 3 hours= 10,800,000 milliseconds

Convert 5 minutes into milliseconds.

5 minutes= 300,000 milliseconds

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