PPM to Percent Calculator

Resistor Tolerance- parts per million (ppm)


This PPM (parts per million) to Percent Calculator calculates the percentage that the parts per million value represents of an item.

For example, if a resistor has a ppm of 5000, this numerical value of 5000 represents 0.5% of the quantity of the component.

1 parts per million represents 1 unit out of 1,000,000 (one million) units.


1ppm = 1/1,000,000= 0.000001= 0.0001%

So if a resistor has a ppm of 1, it can vary 0.0001% for every million ohms of resistance. Therefore, a 10MΩ resistor with a ppm of 1 can vary by 0.0001%, which is 10Ω.

To use this calculator, a user just has to enter the ppm value and click the 'Calculate' button, and the resultant percent value will automatically be computed.

The resultant percent value represents the component's tolerance. It represents how much, in percent, an electronic component may vary from its nominal value, with the given ppm value.

So if a resistor has a ppm of 100,000, this value in percent is 10%. If the resistor's nominal value is 50KΩ, it can vary by 10% from this nominal value. 10% of 50,000Ω is 5000Ω. This means that the resistor can have a resistance as low as 45KΩ or as high as 55KΩ.

Example Calculations

How much is 10,000ppm in percent?


10,000ppm= 10,000/1,000,000= 0.01= 1%

How much is 2000ppm in percent?


2000ppm= 2000/1,000,000= 0.002= .2%

Related Resources

Percent to PPM Calculator

Parts per Million (PPM)- Explained

Resistor Tolerance