Electronic Circuits for Evil Geniuses

Great Book For Lots of Practical Projects

Electronic Circuits for Evil Geniuses

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This is a great educational book for learning many electronics concepts as well as doing the hands-on projects that accompany them. So the reader gets theoretical experience and then does the projects to learn the practicals and how to set it up for him or herself.

The information is very clear. The author, Dave Kutcher, is a great teacher and explains concepts effortlessly. The books contains many pictures and diagrams to explain the text further.

In this book, the projects that are done include:

  • Building an Automatic Night Light
  • Building a NAND Gate Oscillator
  • Creating a Digital Logic Circuit
  • How to Output to a 7-segment Dispaly using a 7-segment Display Driver
  • Building a Power Amplifier Controlled by an Op Amp

These are all very practical projects which will teach you a lot about electronic concepts and how circuits work. You'll be working with many, many different kind of chips, resistors, capacitors, transistors, batteries, LEDs, soldering irons, wires, and other electronic components.

This book will teach you a lot in the process.

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